2. Ability to dump a section of the display screen interactively. Run
Form doScreenDump
You will be asked to designate an area of the screen, then whether you want the cursor to appear in the screen dump, and what file name to write to.
Then a page-sized area of the screen will be reversed, and you will be asked to designate the area of the page on which you want the form to appear. The aspect ratio of the original form will be preserved.
The file produced should be ready to print on a PostScript device.
If you also file in the appropriate 'ctl-shift-d.st' file (there is one for pre-2.2 images, and one for 2.2 and after) 'Form doScreenDump' can be invoked by hitting ctl-sh-d."
'From Smalltalk-80, version 2, of April 1, 1983 on 23 January 1987 at 6:49:57 pm'!
!Point methodsFor: 'arithmetic'!
^x negated @ y negated! !
!Point methodsFor: 'converting'!
| scale |
scale _ DisplayScreen pixelsPerInch / Form postScriptPixelsPerInch.